Versions RhinoCity

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Release Date  Compatibility  Changes Details
7.3.2185.6 2024-07-04 Rhino 7 SDK37 Update   Login
7.3.2178.5 2024-06-27 Rhino 7 SDK37 Update   Login
7.3.2165.4 2024-06-14 Rhino 7 SDK37 Update   Login
7.3.2148.3 2024-05-28 Rhino 7 SDK37 Update   Login
7.3.2105.2 2024-04-15 Rhino 7 SDK36 Update   Login
7.3.2087.0 2024-03-28 Rhino 7 SDK36 New   Login
7.2.2037.13 2024-02-07 Rhino 7 New   Login
7.2.2014.11 2024-01-15 Rhino 7 New   Login 2022-11-01 Rhino 7 New New RTCityJSONread command to import JSON files. Login
New New RTCityJSONwrite command to export JSON files.
New New Rhino3DTilesExport command to export 3DTiles.
New New RhinoDB3DCityDBImport command to import data from a 3DCityDB database.
New New RhinoDB3DCityDBExport command to export data to a 3DCityDB database.
New New RcSymbolInsert command for managing a symbol library and adding symbols to a document.
New New RcTreeCreateHedges command allowing the creation of 3D vegetal hedges from Shapefile data.
New New RcTreeCreateSolitaryVegetation command allowing the creation of trees from Shapefile data.
New New RcCityGMLConvertObjects command allowing the conversion of objects modeled as meshes into CityGML elements.
Improuvement Revision of the RcTexturePacking command:
  • The 'Output' parameter to select the type of image to be generated has been removed. From now on, the type of the images produced by packaging (in output) depends on the type of the images used (in input).
  • The 'Folder' parameter has been removed. The images produced after grouping are produced in their original directory
  • - The 'Name' parameter has been removed. The name of the images after regrouping depends on the name of the images used.
  • The 'Resample' and 'PixelSize' parameters have been removed. The resolution of the images cannot be changed.
  • The 'JoinMeshes' parameter has been removed. A texturing command does not have to modify the meshes it receives except for the texture coordinates.
  • New parameter : 'PowerOf2'.
Improuvement The RcBuildingModelerComputeConstructionId command is now scriptable. Example of use:

RcBuildingModelerComputeCOnstructionId "ESRI Shapefile::Polygone 3D::Start_Building" "" "ESRI Shapefile::Polygone 3D::Start_Roofprint".

  • the first parameter specified in the command line corresponds to the ‘BuildingLayerPath' option. In this example,  the layer ‘ESRI Shapefile::Polygone 3D::Start_Building'. Note the use of the characters '::' in the specified path to indicate the sub-levels.
  • the second to the 'BuildingPartLayerPath' option. In this example, specifying an empty string means not using the 'BuildingParts'.
  • the third one to 'RoofPrintLayerPath'. In this example 'ESRI Shapefile::Polygon 3D::Start_Roofprint'.
Improuvement The RhinoDBShapefileImport command is now scriptable. Usage example:

RhinoDBShapefileImport "E:/Data/Maintenance/GPSLands/2022-08-03_Query4/SAMPLE SHAPEFILES/SAMPLE01/Closed Roof Polyline.shp" false false 0 false

  • the first parameter specified in the command line corresponds to the 'SelectFiles' option. In this example, the full path layer 'C:/Data/Shapefiles/Roof Polyline.shp'. Note that because of the 'space' character in the specified path, it is necessary to enclose it in quotation marks.
  • the second to the 'AsPointCloud' option. In this example 'false'.
  • the third to 'ProgressBar'. In this example 'false'.
  • the fourth to 'Verbose'. In this example '0' (0=None, 1=CmdLine, 2=File).
  • the fifth to 'RingAsPolygon'. In this example 'false'.
For more information, see the help of the command.
Improuvement Complete revision of the RcBuildingGutterToEave command, especially in the 'SearchBy=ByAttribut' mode. Improved messages in the command line, easy selection by simply using the [Return] key, effective filtering of objects according to their original layer.
Improuvement The RcCityGMLExport command now offers to export non-flat surfaces when encountered by cutting them into smaller surfaces.

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